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Wuzzon’s App Marketing Specialism

Wuzzon’s App Marketing Specialism

Wuzzon’s App Marketing Specialism

Wuzzon is making the move to App Marketing permanent. With this grand gesture, we became an app marketing company, with expertise in many different aspects under the umbrella term “app marketing”. From app store optimization, to social media marketing, and in-app marketing, Wuzzon offers many different services to app owners. As soon as an app is live, you can trust Wuzzon with the following promotional aspects to help guide mobile users to your app: App Store Optimisation (ASO), Apple Search Ads (ASA), Google App Campaigns, Social Media marketing, and App Install Campaigns.

Whether you are a new app owner or an existing app owner, there are always aspects to improve on. While you can use your reviews to give you an insight into your user experience, you can also let us review your app and provide you with advice on how to make your app more attractive for mobile users. By improving your ranking through ASO, it will be attractive for you to let us set up ASA and/or UAC campaigns. You can support this with target specific campaigns in Social Media marketing, such as Facebook or Twitter, and bring the most traffic in for you’re improved new app with App Install campaigns, through the vast publisher network from Wuzzon. Afterwards, you can recover less active users through the use of retargeting of in-app-messaging, as an app does not only grow through new user acquisition.

App Store Optimisation

app marketing

With such a fast-paced market such as app marketing, it is difficult to stay on track with all the new possibilities and changes that are continuously being made. Not only do requirements and preferences of consumers change, but so do those of app store algorithms. This is why it is important to have Wuzzon’s App Store Optimization specialists review both the iOS as well as Android app, to make sure you can improve, or maintain your ranking.

Keeping in mind that there are many factors to decide the ranking of an app in the app stores, optimising your app to support the algorithm’s requirements will improve your app’s visibility within the store. This means that, with the improvement of your ranking, you will be more visible in the app’s category. Furthermore, with the improvement of your use of keywords through App Store Optimization, the app’s visibility can also increase in in the searches. Improving the following aspects can improve your ASO score: app metadata (app name, description), screenshots or preview videos, keywords used in the metadata, and timing of updates.

Apple Search Ads and Universal App Campaigns

Apple Search Ads is a somewhat new possibility in regards to search ad marketing in the Netherlands. Since it’s been implemented, we now have two possibilities for marketing within the app stores’ search results page. Now we have the Google App Campaigns on one end for Android installs, and Apple Search Ads on the other for iOS installs. By being able to target direct searches, it is possible to target more directly towards the consumer you wish to find.

Wuzzon's App Marketing Specialism

Wuzzon’s growth hackers have experience with the different app store advertising platforms, and with the high quality traffic that it brings with it. Since consumers searching in the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store are searching for a specific product or service, you can be sure that they will be active users, not encouraged to download the app by anything more than their necessity for your app’s services. This is a specified searching and advertising option, where our campaign managers optimize towards not only your app’s search results, but also keep in mind what the competition is doing, to stay on top of the game.

app marketing

Social Media Marketing

For an even more specific targeting through social media, our Social Media Marketing specialists are experienced in social media campaigns, such as through Facebook Ads. By targeting certain audiences, with specific interests or characters, social media advertisements are often used to promote towards a very specific group. With social media impacting many aspects of our decisions nowadays, it is important to know where, and how you can best promote through the multiple social platforms. These advertisements do not only increase installs, but also familiarity and branding through exposure.

App Install Campaigns

In the past 12 years, Wuzzon has created and cared for their extensive mobile network, and therefore have a large and broad reach in publishers. This broad and diverse network is made up of all sorts and kinds, which is why Wuzzon plays the role of a guide through the thick jungle, to find the best traffic sources that fit your app. Through a process of optimisations and experience, with data tracking in full integrated attribution tracking platforms, Wuzzon’s campaign managers bring high quality traffic through sources that you cannot reach through more specified platforms such as ASA/UAC, or social media platforms.

We work on a primarily CPI (cost per install) basis, with the occasional CPA (cost per action) campaign, to reach the KPIs. Whether you are looking for more registrations within the app, or a return on investment through revenue provided by consumers who downloaded the app, Wuzzon’s network can send more traffic than social media or search ad platforms. Through attribution partners, Wuzzon is able to view and optimise to the best sources, and share this data with our advertisers.

Attribution Tracking Platform Implementation

As we understand that not all old or new app owners are already integrated with attribution tracking platforms, we offer our services as experts in this field. We have years of experience with high esteemed platforms such as Adjust, AppsFlyer, and Branch, we are experts in setting up the apps to report and track the correct in-app events. While some tracking platforms such as Google Analytics may offer insights to the app user information, we have found that for the best quality information (including uninstalls as well as returning users), these attribution tracking platforms are vital.

Not only can you track each marketing platform separate, such as Facebook marketing, Google Ads, Apple Search ads, and media buying platforms, but you can also track the sub-sources for optimal data analysis. Furthermore, through the detailed information from the attribution tracking platform you also have a strong basis for retargeting.

Fraud Prevention in App Marketing

While most attribution tracking platforms have their own fraud prevention system, we have also set up our own anti-fraud system to fight against typical fraud problems we see in the industry. Through the use of TrafficGuard, set up with our own WuzzTrack system, we can now prevent fraudulent clicks on many different levels. Not only can these clicks detect typical fraud such as clickbots or click farming, but also detect clicks that are suspicious in their in-app behaviour, or timing of events.

Naturally, transparency is key in both fraud prevention as well as optimisation. This is why the use of a fraud prevention system, as well as attribution tracking platforms work well. While Wuzzon is completely GDPR compliant, we also place transparency as a high priority, especially in regards to fraudulent behaviour.

In-App Messaging and ReTargeting

In-app messaging is a new form of communication with a user from within the app. Not only is this an opportunity to rekindle the enthusiasm that a user once had for an app, but it can also be used to sustain high engagement customers. Through the use of platforms such as Leanplum or Clevertap, we are able to retargeting inactive, or less active, users of the app. The use of push notification, or in-app messaging can directly target information on sales or discounts to existing users. Here we can target small segments of created audiences to reintegrate top existing users to boost sales. This way, you don’t only need to rely on new user acquisition, but can also focus on the high performing in-active users.

Wuzzons App Umbrella

Not only does Wuzzon provide these services for app owners, we offer a complete app marketing package. This entails all of the above where we take the app through App Store Optimisations for the best ranking in the stores. With the app optimized to be picked up by the AI algorithm for the most visibility in the app store, the app is ready to be promoted with the best ranking keywords in Apple Search Ads, and Universal App Campaigns in the app stores.

Brand awareness often happens through Social Media, where it is promoted at a targeted group of interested users to create an audience that can be retargeted for reattribution. To gain a higher volume of installs, and optimized reach of users, Wuzzon’s own network will boost traffic. Through the use of our many sources, we can send traffic from sources you won’t usually reach through UAC/ASA of social media platforms.

Of course it doesn’t stop there. App marketing is a continuously ongoing process, through which optimizations, data analysis, remarketing, and reattribution all play a large roll in the acquisition, as well as retain of the app users. This is why Wuzzon’s team of specialists each play a role as campaign manager, to help guide you through the maze that is marketing, and provide you with the best return on investment!

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